Cyr the Destroyer (Music Video)

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Here is the first single off of our forthcoming sophomore album: Devastation of the Large Magellanic Cloud: This song describes the struggle of Cyrrus Magnus Reyálta, the protagonist from our novel, Cyr the Destroyer, as he seeks to overthrow the Interstellar Galactic Collective, the largest sentient alliance within the Large Magellanic Cloud!



Video Editing/Production and AI Artwork Generation by: 

Jason Lugo with JKL Productions

Tracking/Mixing/Audio Production by:

Danger Room Productions

Mastered by:

Kyle with Apex Audio


Anthony: Guitar/Vocals/Composition 

Ben: Percussion 

Justyn: Bass

Ellimist® is a Registered Trademark:  

Cyr the Destroyer: An Ellimist® Novel By Anthony Lewis  

Ellimist® LLC est. 2021, Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved

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